Friday, September 12, 2008

Severin Review

I feel a bit timid posting after E.D.'s reviews. Maybe in time my reviews will grow up to be such works of art, but in the meantime I'll muddle through. I have been terrible, and not written down a single thought on any of my scents. So I'll be testing them all again, in no particular order to document the experience as best I can.

Severin (Ars Amatoria)

Bottle: First there is lemon and then a hint of tea. The lemon is mostly a sweet rindy smell, with a tiny citrus sting.

Wet: It's a kind of a musky meyer lemon scent. Not musky in an animal musk way, maybe dusky is a better description. It's got none of the sharp sting, or bright lemony aroma of the bottle.

5 min: I smell lemony leather. Like a leather coat that was rubbed with lemon peel. Maybe a little juice accidentally squeezed out, but not much. I can find the tea scent if my nose searches for it, but it's very much in the background. Not much throw to this at all.

I missed the 30 min mark, because of work. After 1 hour I can still faintly smell lemon, maybe tea, and maybe leather... I'm disappointed with how quickly this is fading away.

Conclusion: Not enough throw to satisfy me. In the end I was unable to discern what I was smelling, but I really do like it. I just wish I could smell it without my nose touching my wrist. Now someone is stinking up the place with some BBW product, so now I can't hardly get a whiff at all. Further experimentation is required, and based on other reviewers it may get stuck on Jeff to see what happens. I could see it possibly working well as a gender neutral scent.

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