Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Getting the Ball Rolling

First things first, this is the list that started the idea to create this shared blog.
This list was originally scribbled on paper, and then posted for posterity on my now defunct live journal account back in February of 2007. Me and E.D. went through reading tons of BPAL reviews and decided that these were the scents that sounded most appealing to us.

Tempest - crisp, slight citrus, floral, water, ocean, clean
Lightning - storm air / ozone, less citrusy than tempest, gender neutral
Dana O'Shea - honey and grain
Sudha Segara - ginger, milk & honey
? Envy - mint that fades, green, grass, lavender
Pool of Tears - dainty, ocean, saline, ozone, light floral or linen
The Red Queen - cherry, sweet, woodiness
White Rabbit - Tea, milk, lemon, ginger, vanilla & pepper
Amsterdam - watery florals & green grass
Glasgow - heather, blackberry, dark and cool, not brightly fruity
The Hesperides - apple and honey
Shattered - cold mint citrus, aquatic notes, sharp, grapefruit, fades easily
Hellcat - buttery, boozy, marzipan, frangelico, heavy and sweet
Maenad - strawberry, sweet, heavy florals and candy
Nocnitsa - pine, lime, berries
Embalming Fluid - cool, citrus peel, lemon, musk, sweet (powder)
Hurricane - dark, swampy, woody, vertivert, tangy, slightly masculine
Undertow - pine, mint, fruit, spice, apples, candy
Bon Vivant - strawberry and champange
Hunger - vanilla, orange, sweet chocolaty, and strong
Tiger Lily - lilies, some honey sweetness appears as it dries down
Tweedle Dee - fruity cereal
The Apothecary - fruity and green, clean, tripple milled herbal french soap
Rosalind - bright green grass with tart berry and crushed wild flowers, a light scent
Shanghai - green tea, light lemon, clean, sunny and bright
Aizea-myoo - bitter and sweet, crisp, fruity, cherry blossom and tea
Calliope - lavender and herbs, citrus
Polyhymnia - starts lemon and fades to musky incense or woodsy
The Waters of Notre Dame - warm green, pond watery, calming, use sparingly for it is strong Loup Garou - juniper, eucalyptus, woody, pine-sol
Kumiho - white tea and ginger
Szepasszony - ?

And I think that eliminates the last reason for me to go back poking at that old journal.

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