Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Amsterdam Review

This morning's review is brought to you by the letter T.

Amsterdam (Wanderlust)

Bottle: I get a light scent of watery florals.

Wet: Reminds me of a floral department, not smack you in the face strong, just like a fresh bouquet of flowers.

5 min: I smell tulips and fresh clear water, like a clean pond or fresh rain. I'm quite digging it. If I didn't have to leave for work I wouldn't be able to stop sniffing it.

30 min: Well crap, the honeymoon is over. Now it smells like what I remember Caress soap smelling like. I asked Jeff what he thought and he said it smelled like a commercial soap that was trying to smell pretty.

Conclusion: While I don't dislike smelling like soap, I'd rather soapy smells actually come from my soap. The good news is that after an hour and a half it was totally gone from me. I couldn't tell that I'd ever applied it. This imp should probably move along to another home, maybe someone else will have better luck with it.

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